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Lockdown. The Ukrainians began to sleep more, to cook food and watch movies

2020-06-12  Lockdown. The Ukrainians began to sleep more, to cook food and watch movies

ociologists noted during the lockdown period, the Ukrainians began to spend much more time sleeping, cooking and eating food, doing sports, hobbies, talking with loved ones, learning and giving more time to the self-development, reading, watching movies and series. This information is provided as a result of the survey made by the social group called "Rating".
About a quarter of the Ukrainians reported they dedicated more time to self-development, to the communication with their families and friends, to sleeping, food and listening to music. Every fifth person enjoined hobbies, reading books or playing sports.

During the quarantine, the cooking became more popular among young people (under 40).
Going to the grocery store has now become like a small trip outside and the way to the refrigerator has become an opportunity to distract yourself with something yummy. Despite the variety of home delivery services, the Ukrainians mostly cook at home themselves. For various reasons: it’s more convenient, cheaper, or it just brings pleasure. After all, the delicious food is the best "antidepressant"!

Women made a real competition posting photos of their homemade food in the social networks. News feeds of popular sites are full of photos of delicious pies, pastries and cakes.

Sociologists believe that this trend will have a positive effect on the nutrition culture of the population. And the tendency to cook tasty and healthy food at home will continue for a long time after the end of the lockdown.

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